for legal liability, work safe and insurance and required by law.
Building Act 1993 Building Regulations 2018
The Essential Safety Measures (ESM) maintenance requirements in the National Construction Code (NCC) are designed to ensure that essential safety systems in buildings and sites are regularly inspected and maintained. ESM maintenance is critical for protecting occupants and property in the event of emergencies.
The first thing we do for a Maintenance Determination Report is to know if it for a building permit or council order requiring the maintenance determination.
Our licensed building surveyors come to site and you will get a report and schedule of what needs to be done and what records required to be kept.
The systems that keep people safe in your building are called Essential Safety Measures (ESM). It’s your responsibility to maintain them for the life of the building. Some examples of ESMs are: fire detectors and alarm systems. fire fighting equipment and sprinklers.
As well as being best practise, correctly maintained Essential Safety Measures (ESM) protect building occupants in the event of an emergency (such as but not limited to FIRE) by providing occupants with more time to exit the building and lessening the chance of harm resulting from any incidents.
As a building owner or property manager you are required to ensure that:
1. The applicable Essential Safety Measures have been identified for the building (refer to the occupancy certificate, certificate of final inspection or determination).
2. You have engaged qualified and experienced contractors to undertake maintenance of (inspection, testing and repairs) and reporting on each of the ESMs for the building.
3. Ensure that the Annual Essential Safety Measures Report is completed, displayed on the premises and available if requested by any authorities (Fire Brigade, Victorian Building Authority (VBA), local council, etc…
CALL 1300-911-138 or Edmund 0468377999 to book an inspection time.
What does ESM Essential Safety Measures mean ?
Essential Safety Measures (ESM) describes the safety systems incorporated into a building during its design and construction. ESM maintenance ensures that important safety systems within the building remain at the required operational level throughout the life of the building.
What building types does Essential Safety Measures activity apply to ?
All buildings (other than a house or outbuilding) have some form of ESM compliance and requirements vary based on type, size and the age of the building.
What is included as an Essential Safety Measure ?
Essential Safety Measures include and are not limited to:
• Air handling systems
• Exit & emergency lighting systems
• Fire services, fire blankets, extinguishers, hose reels etc
• Fire doors and fire rated constructions
• Paths of travel
• Smoke & fire detection systems
• Sprinkler systems and many more..
The applicable Essential Safety Measures for your building are listed in the occupancy certificate or certificate of final inspection for building built or renovated after 1st July 1994. For buildings built prior to July 1994 a determination by a building surveyor may be required to identify what ESM’s are applicable.
How often do Essential Safety Measures need to be inspected ?
The retest time varies based on the particular Essential Safety Measures, below is JUST AN EXAMPLE :
• Paths of travel = 3 monthly
• Exit & emergency lighting = 6 monthly
• Fire services (extinguishers, blankets, hose reels) = 6 monthly
• Smoke detectors = 6 monthly
* other essential Safety Measures have inspection periods ranging from weekly to monthly or 3, 6 or 12 monthly.
Who is responsible to ensure Essential Safety Measures are maintained and KEEPING RECORDS ?
All people in a workplace have a duty of care.
It is the responsibility of the Building Owner or appointed Property Manager to ensure that Essential Safety measures are maintained in accordance with the building codes and Australian Standards(subject to current changes always) .
Are there penalties for non-compliance of Essential Safety Measures ?
Apart from breaching your lease, work cover, insurance not paying and civil court action as well, Non-compliance may result in an infringement notice being issued by Council or the Fire Authority with applicable fines. Non-compliance may also result in prosecution with fines for each breach over $17,000 for individuals and over $88,000 for companies.
Your non-compliance could put people at risk and may result in voiding your insurance or a reduced pay out in the event of a claim.
As a Building Owner or Property Manager what do I do ?
As a building owner or property manager you are required to ensure that:
1. The applicable Essential Safety Measures have been identified for the building (refer to the occupancy certificate, certificate of final inspection or determination).
2. You have engaged qualified and experienced contractors to undertake maintenance of (inspection, testing and repairs) and reporting on each of the ESMs for the building.
3. Ensure that the Annual Essential Safety Measures Report is up to date (and also copy kept off site as proof), complete & displayed on premises & available if requested by any authorities (Fire Brigade, Work safe, Insurer, Victorian Building Authority (VBA), local council, etc…
Where do I get more information or assistance about Essential Safety Measures ?
Also for an obligation free discussion and review of your Essential Safety Measures requirements call 0468377999, then we can quote.
You can also contact the VBA or visit their website.
Service areas for 1300911138 EXPRESS Essential Safety Measures service all Melbourne, Geelong, Ballarat.